<span class="dojodigital_toggle_title">Bela Basci</span>
Bronze 29" x 8" x 12" Artist: Bela Basci
Price: $24,000-

Bela Basci

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Béla Bácsi’s extraordinary marble and bronze sculpture is exhibited coast to coast and is held in significant collections throughout the country. Bácsi is a Professional Sculptor member of the National Sculpture Society, New York City (est. 1893). In 1999 he won the organization’s Gold Medal and Maurice B. Hexter Prize for the Belgian black marble chef d’oeuvre “Nipples of Venus”. He is also a Signature Member of the California Art Club (est. 1906), one of the oldest and most active professional arts associations in the nation. In 2001, fellow exhibitors at the CAC 91st annual members’ exhibition awarded him the Gold Medal for the Carrara marble masterwork “Driver of the Wheel”.